Blueface does so much for women
Some people watch a recent viral video of rapper Blueface and see evidence of possible sex trafficking.
I see a generous, thoughtful young brother giving at-risk female youth a place to stay and the *option* of whether or not to get a tattoo.
Sometimes sex crimes are really just a matter of perspective. Right, R. Kelly?
No but really, I'm at a loss for what Blueface did that was so wrong, and I'm concerned that, in today's climate of extreme hypervigilance with regard to steamy non-con sex, the rapper could somehow end up in prison without having committed a crime.
In the video, Blueface tours a Project Mayhem-style bunker that he's apparently operating out of his home, filled with young hoo-ers, i.e. the kind of thing I may have once dreamed of having in my own home, back when a brother could still have dreams.
He announces that they're all getting tattoos, which, I can see how that could be seen as problematic, if they weren't allowed to opt out. Charles Manson probably once made a similar announcement, before he announced that they were going to murder Roman Polanski's pregnant wife.
But Blueface says right there in the video that if they don't want to get a tattoo they can take their shit and go back to sleeping in the bus station or whatever. He's not forcing them to do anything!
Most girls seem eager to get a tattoo, and point out where on their bodies they'd like their tattoos to be. Which raises the question: Who in TF are these girls? Even if they were going to let a rapper talk them into getting a tattoo, why this clown?
In other words, the age-old question, what does he have that I don't!
Come to find out, this was a clip from a reality show that airs exclusively on Blueface's OnlyFans. I guess I wouldn't know, because I'm not a subscriber. Er, fan.
On the one hand, the idea of an OnlyFans run by a guy seems like a good idea, because it'll keep the girls from getting lazy, or not showing us what we really want to see (always a concern when you let girls create their own content).
But on the other hand, obviously I can't be a member of a guy's OnlyFans.
Beyond the gender-inappropriate nature of joining a pay-site named after a rapper, there's always the possibility that Blueface will use it to promote his own music, thus forcing you, beyond your will, to support bad rap music.
Consent is key!
Then there's the question of why a girl would work for a guy's OnlyFans, when she could start her OnlyFans.
Certainly, they've heard of OnlyFans. On pretty much a daily basis now, I see high school-age girls on TikTok counting down to the day they're old enough to start an OnlyFans. Or rather, I've heard that girls do that.
I can't see well enough to tell if the girls in the Blueface video are truly attractive, but they all appear to be college-age and height-weight proportional, so by definition they're at least a seven.
There's probably not a girl in that video who couldn't be in the top 0.05% of creators on OnlyFans. In fact, I don't know that I've ever seen a girl who wasn't in the top 0.05% of creators on OnlyFans.
Is my taste just that good, or are there literally a billion women on OnlyFans?
If it's the latter, I don't know how you can be mad at Blueface. We're living in a time when bad decision making has been normalized.
Most young women are getting bad tattoos and charging people to look at their noodz. But all of a sudden it's a bad thing when a black man tries to make a few dollars from it? Hmm...
Take it easy on yourself,